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Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares

Ciência e Tecnologia a serviço da vida

Portal > Institucional > Internacionalização > Intercâmbio > Profissionais em Visita

Prof. John Girkin

O Centro de Lasers e Aplicações – CLA e a Profa Dra Denise Zezell convida a todos para o Seminário do Prof John Girkin que se realizará no dia 25/10/17 às 14:30h na Sala de Seminários do CLA. O palestrante é Professor do Departamento de Física da Durham University - UK e apresentará a palestra intitulada "Photonics Advancing Health Science Research". O tempo estimado da apresentação é de 50 min.

Photonics Advancing Health Science Research

 This talk will look at the way that through collaborative research between physical and life sciences advances can be made in health science research. One example will be drawn from the development of optical instrumentation and novel chemical markers for imaging inside the lung in intensive care patients to determine the disease or infection that might be present. Another example will be looking at optical microscopy developments that have been made to enable life scientists to observe, in vivo, the development of the zebrafish and then through the use of opto-genetics and light manipulation it is possible to perturb the system through accurate cell ablation. 

The presentation will then go on to look at how the development of specific photonics technology and miniature optics can then be used to develop a genetic screening device suitable for use in a doctor’s consulting room for rapid and point of care diagnosis. I will then examine the way that international collaborations can grow scientific research to the benefit of all parties.


Para maiores informações sobre o Prof. Girkin e seu seminário consultar o link abaixo.

